EAG's products can be seen around the world in many different climates and environments.
North American Nuclear and Power Facilities
- Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
- Boston Edison Co. - Pilgrim Station, MA
- Carolina Power & Light
- Connecticut Yankee - Haddam Neck
- Dominion Generation - Millstone
- Duke Power Co. - McGuire
- Exelon Generation - Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant
- Florida Power & Light - Turkey Point
- Houston Lighting & Power
- Illinois Power Company
- Indiana Michigan Power Co. - Cook
- North Atlantic Energy Service Corp. - Yankee
- Northeast Utilities - Berlin, CT
- Ontario Power Generation - Darlington and Tiverton
- Pantex Plant - Amarillo, TX
- Progress Energy - Crystal River and Robinson
- Public Service Electric and Gas - Salem
- Sandia National Labratories
- Southern California Edison Co. - San Onofre
- Tennessee Valley Authority - Browns Ferry, Sequoyah, and Watts Bar
- Westinghouse Savannah River Co. - Aiken, GA
International Locations
- Dornier Repair Facility (Aerospace)- Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
- Kernkraftwerk Brunsbuettel GmbH (KKB) - Brunsbuettel, Germany - Nuclear
- Kernkraftwerk Kruemmel GmbH (KKK) - Kruemmel, Germany - Nuclear
- Kernkfratwerk Phillipsburg (KKP) - Phillipsburg, Germany - Nuclear
- Kernkraftwerk RWE-Bayernwerk GmbH (KRB) - Gundremmingen, Germany - Nuclear
- Kiev Ukraine Nuclear Power Station
- Mercedes Development Center - Sindlfingen/Stuttgart, Germany
- NATO Facility - Eindhofen, Holland
- NATO Forces German Army
- NATO Headquarters- Brussels, Belgium
- Siemens Brennelemente (NU-KEM) - Hanua, Germany - Fuel Rod